My name is Steve Lesher, and I have been the Senior Minister of Kings Highway Christian Church since April 2021. How did we come to Louisiana? My family and I moved to Shreveport, LA, from Kentucky, following God's call to pastor in this amazing city. I am truly blessed with a wonderful wife, Jyn, and three beautiful kids: Mary, Jessica, and Alex. Our family is excited to do ministry and live out our faith here.
KHCC is filled with a diverse group of people that may not always agree on everything. Something that makes us unique is that we are made up of Democrats and Republicans, those more conservative and those more liberal, and a wide variety of other differences. Yet, we come together and love each other because of Christ's love for us. We have communion every week, and when we come to that table, we are one in Jesus Christ. Finding something we can all unify around is a rare gift today.
Please take your time looking through our site. You can watch a traditional service, a contemporary service, or both. We are a family of faith with much to offer our community. A new Spirit is here, leading us outside our building to engage with our neighborhood and the world around us.
Even though our historic sanctuary is closed for repairs, our worship in the Family Life Center will help you experience Christ. We would love to have you join us this Sunday. You will be welcome. We want you here, and we will share the love of Christ with you. Hope to see you soon.
– Rev. Steve Lesher